Make room for what you love.

Wine Lockers
Whether wine club deliveries are cluttering your countertops or a recent downsize has left you cellar-less, we’ve got everything you need to let your collection breathe. Store your bottles safely behind an airtight security system in our discreet facility, while still being able to access them anytime day or night. With redundant refrigeration and backup generators, you know your wine will always be at its optimal temperature. And you’ll never worry again about your fridge going on the fritz.
Our lockers are sized based on a standard case of 12 bottles. Discount available for annual payments. A one-time membership fee will be added to your first bill, and locks are available for purchase.

Custom Cellar Space
Restaurants and major collectors: If you need more storage than our lockers allow, just let us know. We’d be happy to tailor a cellar space to fit your needs.
Baby your bottles
We come from a customer service background and are a little obsessed with making our members happy. We’ve been known to drive a truck full of wine down to Georgia or drop off a special magnum for a member’s Thanksgiving dinner. Simply have your wine shipments directed to Cork Vault, and we’ll place your bottles in your locker for you. You’ll get a notification the moment we receive your wine.

Inventory management
Keep tabs on your collection with the industry-leading Cellar Tracker app. With it, you’ll know how much your wine is worth, see when that bottle will be at its peak, and make quick work of finding what you’re looking for in your storage locker.

Pickup and delivery
When you sign up, we’ll come to your house to pack up your collection for you. Then, reach out whenever you need to restock your at-home wine cabinet, or if you have a special dinner coming up. We’d be happy to pick out a few ready-to-open wines and deliver them to your door.

Collection, meet connection
When you love something, you can’t help but share it. At Cork Vault, you can connect with other members on a private Discord server, participate in monthly in-person bottle shares, and reserve the lounge free of charge for private events. Feel free to bring a bottle and a guest anytime.